Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Change history
Version number | Date of release | Policy owner | Authorised by |
6.0 | 18/08/2024 | Naomi da Silva, Head of Business Assurance | Board of Trustees |
Policy statement
At Central YMCA we are committed to equality, diversity and inclusion (‘ED&I’) in everything we do. We believe creating an organisation where everyone feels valued is not only the right thing to do, but also helps drive success and create impact. In recognition of this commitment, we are driven by our core value of Equity, breaking down barriers to ensure everyone can thrive.
We are committed to creating environments in which our people and communities are treated fairly and with respect. This includes our staff, volunteers, members, learners, apprentices and other members of the public we engage with. We are committed to a culture that recognises, celebrates and values the differences between individuals. We firmly believe that a diverse and inclusive workforce is integral to both attracting and meeting the needs of our diverse communities and creating inclusive spaces. Our ED&I commitments also closely align with our wider charity ambitions to contribute to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Gender Equality and Reduced Inequalities.
We seek to promote equality of opportunity in recruitment, employment, volunteering, governance and the provision of programmes and services. We will not tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment or victimisation on any grounds, including those set out in the Equalities Act 2010: age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, including ethnicity and national origin, religion or belief, gender and sexual orientation.
We pro-actively tackle discrimination or disadvantage, aiming to ensure that no individual or group is directly or indirectly discriminated against for any reason with regard to employment or accessing our programmes and services.
Through the initiatives outlined in this policy and our ED&I strategic priorities we will ensure that we create equal opportunities for all, build a strong inclusive culture, address bias, and equip all our managers with the skills to be truly inclusive leaders.
This policy applies to all current and potential employees, workers, self-employed contractors, volunteers, Trustees, members, learners and apprentices, partners, suppliers, and visitors to Central YMCA.
Related Legislation
Related Policies, Procedures and Templates
- Grievance Policy
- Disciplinary Policy
- Our Values
- Our Strategy
- Safeguarding Policy
Everyone who works or volunteers for the Charity is expected to champion our commitment to ED&I and work to achieve a more diverse and inclusive culture. However, some roles and departments will have specific responsibilities to support our ED&I ambitions. More detailed roles and responsibilities can be found in Appendix 1.
Board of Trustees
Overall responsibility for the policies and procedures that govern the work at Central YMCA. Hold ultimate accountability for setting an inclusive culture and establishing values and behaviours that align with this policy.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Steering Group
Inform, review and monitor Central YMCA’s approach to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, including:
- Providing an external perspective, sharing best practice, trends and own knowledge, experience and expertise
- Ensuring momentum is maintained and ED&I remains a key area of focus for the Board and management team
- Helping to champion ED&I as part of any Board and Committee roles, providing feedback and updates on the work of the group to the wider Board of Trustees
Chief Executive
Overall responsibility for ensuring Central YMCA’s resources are used effectively and appropriately. Supported by the Executive Team, ensures values and behaviours are embedded across the Charity and ED&I principles are core to strategy development, business planning and decision making.
Policy Owner
Responsible for ensuring guidelines are in place and that policies and procedures reflect our charitable ethos and commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.
Heads and Managers
Champion Inclusive Leadership traits and the principles and values outlined in this policy. Responsible for ensuring all employees, volunteers, subcontractors and partners are aware of and follow the principles of this policy.
People Team (including Learning and Development)
Ensure the principles of this policy are embedded in the People Strategy and all HR practices. Provide learning and development opportunities to drive continuous improvement and awareness.
Follow policies and procedures, champion our values and promote best practice throughout the organisation.
Policy Review
Review of impact against the aims of policy:
This policy has been drafted for approval by Naomi da Silva, Director of Governance and Risk, and has been reviewed by the Charity’s ED&I Steering Group ahead of approval by the Board of Trustees. All related procedures have been designed to match the contents of this policy.
The policy has been communicated successfully to employees and the policy has been made available on the Charity’s intranet and website and is built into the Charity’s Learner Management System so learners (including apprentices) and employers have access to this. Employers, subcontractors and partners are notified of our key policies as part of the onboarding process and our expectations around ED&I are shared. This policy will be reviewed and updated annually or otherwise as required to reflect developments in equality legislation, data and best practice.
Confirmation of policy approval:

Andrew Beal, Chair of the Board of Trustees