Older Adults Programme London - Central YMCA

Older Adults Programme

Fitness isn’t just a young person’s game — we’re passionate about everyone embracing physical activity no matter their age! Our Older Adults Programme features fitness classes tailored to those over 60 and also provides plenty of social opportunities for our members.

All our classes are specifically designed for people wanting activities of a low to moderate intensity and are an ideal way to help over 60s maintain independent living.

Designed exercise classes
Gym induction specifically tailored for older adults.
Social tea events

Central YMCA Club

offers over 60s

the opportunity to improve physical and mental health while combatting feelings of isolation or loneliness. This is done through our gentle exercise classes, meditation and wellbeing sessions, social teas and group trips.

Gym inductions
We offer a 60-minute gym induction specifically tailored for older adults. We establish your current activity levels, discuss your training goals and come up with an exercise programme to fit your needs.

45-60 minutes

All welcome

Over 60s exercise classes
We offer gentle exercise classes each week (Mon to Fri) at YMCA Club. They include activities such as weight training to improve strength and dance to improve fitness. Taught by our team of qualified volunteers.

45-60 minutes

All welcome

Meditation & wellbeing
A 30-minute meditation session takes place on Wednesdays from 12:15pm-12:45pm in the Chapel.
Tai Chi and Qui Gong are classes that help to bring balance and calm to you and help to improve balance and co-ordination. All ages are welcome to this session.

45-60 minutes

All welcome

Book a class

Social teas
A key part of the Older Adults programme is to encourage social interaction between our members. That’s why we hold three weekly social tea events at the Club.

Social tea events take place on:
Tuesdays 2pm – 2:30pm
Thursdays 4pm – 4:20pm

These allow a relaxing, informal space for members to catch up and broaden their friendship circles.

For more information on any of these programmes contact:
Social trips
We offer our members the opportunity to broaden their cultural and intellectual horizons by taking part in a variety of social day trips. This could be anything from a daytrip to Brighton to a group walk on the outskirts of London. These trips are often subsidised, and the activities and destinations are decided upon by the members themselves.

For more information on any of these programmes contact:

Get involved

Choose a membership that’s right for you. Whatever your goals or motivation, at Central YMCA Club we’ve got you covered.